Sitemap - 2020 - Precipice

Perhaps you've heard of conservatism . . .

In 2020, post-America's basic illness remained uncured

The Republican Party is very publicly committing suicide

Peddlers of the ephemeral are wasting our time

The supreme folly of thinking we create ourselves

Not a single moment of regret

The unlikely figure who made post-America's irreparable defilement a certainty

The has-it-been-worth-it question looms larger than ever now

The Biden win / Trump loss - initial thoughts

Ultimately, life is not getting better

Escape hatches from what we face grow harder to find by the day

Thoughts on wisdom

COVID resumes its status as our principle source of national division

Republicans are responsible for what appears set to befall them

Health care thoughts

The pointlessness of hard and fast takes about the three big matters on the nation's plate

However the SCOTUS vacancy gets handled, a national crackup is a certainty - as is the sovereignty of God

Electing Donald Trump is not going to end the Left's assault on our civilization

Barney & Clyde Season 2, Episode 18

The sliver of terrain I inhabit grows slimmer by the day

I can't imagine any kind of rally I'd have a desire to attend

The whole truth

Time is running short to sell me

Barney & Clyde - Season 2, Episode 15

It still hasn't busted up - today's edition

The Best of Barney & Clyde - Season 1

It still hasn't busted up

The layers of significance of One Night Stand! Sam Cooke Live at the Harlem Square Club

Reflections on the binary-choice argument

Life's biggest questions are very much on our plate right now

Forget the possibility of being absolved

An America without adults

You can't define conservatism situationally

Plenty of stupid to go around

Truth lies in particulars



Barney & Clyde Season 2, Episode 10

The lay of the land two-thirds of the way through May 2020

The vain search for an earthly savior

Barney and Clyde - Season two, episode nine

An absolutist grapples with ambiguity

President Trump, you're no Harold Hill - or Professor Marvel

Barney and Clyde - season two, episode eight

We shall see how this works out

Grace and trust: essential and always available

Barney & Clyde - season 2, episode 7

The virus is impervious to arbitrary dates for "opening back up"

We got blindsided when we were already reeling

The experts and first responders are worthy of our admiration; our "leaders," not so much

Day-five self-quarantine reflections

Waiting quietly

Barney & Clyde - Episode 5, Season 2

An essay on phoniness

Trumpist protectionists and advocates for the woke view of corporations' role look pretty much identical

I am not obligated to pick a side

The inaugural address I'd give next January were I to be elected president this November

From concern to alarm

Why I've backed off (somewhat) the use of nicknames when writing about public figures

Kicking and screaming all the way to saying yes

Barney & Clyde, Episode 3, Season 2

Reflections on Rush Limbaugh's lung cancer announcement

An interview with myself

Saying what we've always said - because it's right and true

Barney and Clyde - season two, episode two

No good possible outcomes

What is the correct definition of freedom?

The ever-slimmer piece of ground the pilgrim finds for planting his or her feet