Sitemap - 2022 - Precipice

Memorable books I read in 2022

How I made my peace with God being an absolutist


The golden calf in our midst

An unfortunate new fissure in an already narrow sliver of terrain

The best to you each morning

Is versus should be

From milk to solid spiritual food

Expletives and blasphemy: as with pungent seasonings, easy does it

Just can't

The wheat-from-chaff question looks different from this vantage point

The "u" word re-enters the conversation

Here's the problem

Less modern all the time

How not to be above the fray?

Living out the consequences of having nowhere to go

Five hundred years of abandoning our essence

The sliver of terrain I inhabit grows narrower still - today's edition

Keep your feet on the ground as others are putting theirs in their mouths

Spirituality without a lodestar inevitably comes up empty

In pursuit of a conservatism that's not spiritually ugly

On entering adolescence during the tectonic shift

I'm not comfortable letting this bunch assume leadership of a restoration of conservatism

Americans have nowhere to go

Is our headlong plunge into uncharted territory really something to celebrate?

Fresh thoughts on the matter of happiness in a pain-filled world

Biden Administration foreign policy: the Precipice scorecard

Frogs in boiling water

The Laurel Canyon scene was a cesspool of hedonism, self-absorption and nihilism

The sliver of terrain I inhabit grows narrower still


We're starved for meaning

A Barney Quick roundup

The moment and the parameters of happiness

Just what are we looking at?

Institutions in ruin, and none that aren't

Finally, a first Precipice post of 2022