Sitemap - 2023 - Precipice

23/24: first round of reflections and looks forward

The 2023 Precipice Christmas message

Connectedness and the arc of human advancement

Time for another narrow-sliver-of-terrain post

Yeah, God is an absolutist

Henry Kissinger and the amorality of Realpolitik

In praise of old-school fish joints

More thoughts on doubt and faith

The pervasiveness of human waywardness

I'm a non-voter precisely because I'm engaged with policy and culture

Jews, the West, and whether our species still deserves the description "human"

Maybe some seriousness is in order

A couple of things I've had published elsewhere

Howls wafting up from the abyss

A post-America utterly unequipped to deal with what's on its plate

There's not much left of an international order

"Where you at, Little Dawg?"

The quest for a slop-proof universal ought

How not to do conservatism

My personal struggle with contempt

Well, then, what shall we call it?

Tell me a bit about yourself

Thoughts on when it went completely off the rails

Despair and faith

More thoughts on seriousness


Narcissism, attitude, and the smoldering rubble of post-America

Defining human flourishing

The price of our frivolity

Thoughts on principles

There's a little Prometheus in all of us

Thoughts on freedom


Expressing faith without insipid platitudes

From the decline phase to the collapse phase

Substitutes for reality

This isn't just a tussle between human constructs

I'm thinking maybe we should just let the Trumpists have the term "conservative" since they've defiled it so badly

Exemplars of the faith - episode seven

Reality, R.I.P.

Exemplars of the faith - episode six

Right, wrong and objectivity

Can I clean up first?

Exemplars of the faith - episode 5

Musings on music

Thoughts on character

Exemplars of the faith - episode four

Our unseriousness is going to get us killed

Exemplars of the faith - episode three

Thoughts on Substack Notes a week or so in

Thoughts on beauty

Exemplars of the faith - episode two

Join me on Notes

The only path to a safer society

Exemplars of the faith

I have a question

Awed and humbled

Post-Americans behaving badly

Notes on the definition of "woke"

The Philippians 4:8 standard

The unifying theme of the content here at Precipice

Humankind didn't spring forth two weeks ago

Art and dissolution

All I know is that we'll have to lead with love

And then what?

The part you have to do all on your own

The deadly idea that it's a done deal